lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014

Aerobic Threshold

Hi there ;)

If we want to improve our Aerobic Stamina, we should train it with an specific intensity. To calculate this, we can use these equations:

First of all, we need to know our Maximun Heart rate:

  • Men: 220-Age
  • Women: 224-Age
Example, if you are a 15 year old girl, your max HR would be 224-15=209 bpm

And know, we can calculate our aerobic threshold, the minimum intensity you need if you want to improve your aerobic stamina:

MinHR to improve: HR at rest+0,6 (MaxHR-HR at rest)=
  • Example for a 15 years old girld who has 60 bpm at rest: 60+0,6 (209-60)= 149,4 bpm
So, if the girl want to improve her aerobic stamina, at least she needs to train it at 149 bpm.

And know, we can calculate our anaerobic threshold, the maximun intensity you need if you want to improve your aerobic stamina. If you are training higher than this intensity, your are training your anerobic stamina, that means, with oxygen debt. To calculate it, the equation is almost the same than before:

MinHR to improve: HR at rest+0,9 (MaxHR-HR at rest)=
  • Example for a 15 years old girld who has 60 bpm at rest: 60+0,9 (209-60)= 194,1 bpm
So, if the girl wants to improve her aerobic stamina, she should train it between 149 and 194 bpm.Of course the result is just illustrative, but it could be very useful if you are training stamina for the first time in your life.

jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014

The basic physical attributes I: Stamina.

Stamina is the basic physical attribute that allows us to do a specific type of exercise for the longest time possible without fatigue.

Types of Stamina:

  1. Aerobic Stamina: medium-low intensity for a long period of time. You have enough oxygen and you can even tlak to someone who is running with you.
    1. Aerobic power: 2-10' at 60-80% intensity.
    2. Aerobic capacity: 10'-2h at 40-60% intensity.
    3. Endurance: from 20 to several hours at 30-50% intensity
  2. Anaerobic stamina: high intensity for the longest time possible. There is oxygen debt and lactic acid is produced in your organism and reduces the intensity of the effort. If you try to tlak to someone, you won't  be able to do it properly because the oxygen debt.
    1. Alactic anaerobic stamina: very high intensity over a short time (untill 30"). Not time enough to produce lactic acid.
    2. Lactic anaerobic stamina: very high intensity between 1 and 3'. Lactic acid is produced.

Beats per minute

We will use it again next week, so, i leave it here and you can take it. If you have any question, please don't hesitate and ask me.

Write down your beats per minute during a race which lasts 10' plus 3 minutes recovery. Write down your bpm at rest(0) and after running 2, 4, 6, 8’ and 10. Then we will stop and you will be required to write down your bpm after 1' and 3' rest.

At rest
During the race
After 1’
After 3’
Student 1

At the end, you should draw the data collected on the chart above. You have here an example, “student 1”: He starts with 120 bpm, after 2 minutes he has 140, after six minutes his heart beats 150 per minute, etc.