lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014

Aerobic Threshold

Hi there ;)

If we want to improve our Aerobic Stamina, we should train it with an specific intensity. To calculate this, we can use these equations:

First of all, we need to know our Maximun Heart rate:

  • Men: 220-Age
  • Women: 224-Age
Example, if you are a 15 year old girl, your max HR would be 224-15=209 bpm

And know, we can calculate our aerobic threshold, the minimum intensity you need if you want to improve your aerobic stamina:

MinHR to improve: HR at rest+0,6 (MaxHR-HR at rest)=
  • Example for a 15 years old girld who has 60 bpm at rest: 60+0,6 (209-60)= 149,4 bpm
So, if the girl want to improve her aerobic stamina, at least she needs to train it at 149 bpm.

And know, we can calculate our anaerobic threshold, the maximun intensity you need if you want to improve your aerobic stamina. If you are training higher than this intensity, your are training your anerobic stamina, that means, with oxygen debt. To calculate it, the equation is almost the same than before:

MinHR to improve: HR at rest+0,9 (MaxHR-HR at rest)=
  • Example for a 15 years old girld who has 60 bpm at rest: 60+0,9 (209-60)= 194,1 bpm
So, if the girl wants to improve her aerobic stamina, she should train it between 149 and 194 bpm.Of course the result is just illustrative, but it could be very useful if you are training stamina for the first time in your life.

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